Upcoming Events, Retreats, and Groups

Click on the event for more information or to register via email.

I am also happy to come to you and provide a retreat for your group.

Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation
to Sep 16

Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation

Looking for a community of authentic women but afraid you can’t join a group this summer because of your travel schedule? This group may be the solution. Beginning June 17, we will read 5 daily devotionals per week from Pete Scazzerro’s Emotionally Healthy Day by Day (and listen to 1 optional podcast every 2 weeks that accompanies the readings). Then we will meet on Monday evenings from 6:30-8PM (starting 6/24) to share what we have heard God speaking to us through the podcasts, scriptures and devotional writings.

A reading schedule will be handed out at the beginning of the summer. Simply keep up with the readings and pop in on Monday evenings when you are in in town.

We gather at the Village Chapel’s Care Cottage in the Village of Pinehurst (55 Community Rd). Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

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Women's Spiritual Formation
to Apr 29

Women's Spiritual Formation

How do you make decisions and set priorities? How do you know if you can trust your heart, your gut, or your reasoning? We will spend 15 weeks learning about a discernment process that Christians have been using for 500 years. We will start with 2 weeks of scripture meditation before beginning to read and discuss a book about decision making. Participants will need to purchase their own book, "What’s Your Decision? How to Make Choices with Confidence and Clarity” by Michael Sparough, SJ, available through Amazon.

We begin Monday evening, Jan. 22 at 6:30PM at Care Cottage. If you are interested in joining this group, please sign up HERE.

social image credit @madebyjens

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1-day Lenten Retreat at Church of the Advent

1-day Lenten Retreat at Church of the Advent

Lent is the perfect season to slow down and ask God to help us notice what has crept into our lives that is no longer serving us. In this 1-day retreat at Church of the Advent in Southern Pines, we will spend quiet time with God and learn a few spiritual practices to help us draw closer to God and let go of anything that is not good for us.

photo credits chphotos

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My Life Expedition 2024
to Apr 16

My Life Expedition 2024

In My Life Expedition (MLE) you will walk through the story of your life holding tightly to God’s hand, asking Him to give you His perspective on your story. As you do, you may notice His fingerprints in places you never saw them before.

Participants spend time on their own each week doing reflective prayer exercises and attend weekly listening groups for 12 weeks.

What do you focus on in MLE? You focus on Jesus and the person you were created to be. Below are just a few things we will do.

1) Life Mapping - Reflect on how God uniquely made you. This may help you solidify your identity, chip away at the false-self, and clarify your calling.

2) Clear the path - removing the boulders and traps that may have kept you sidelined in the past.

3) Create a mission statement - to help you set a course for the next leg of your spiritual journey. Pray over possible vocations.

4) Develop a rule of life to help you live intentionally after your MLE experience is over.

THE WINTER GROUPS ARE FULL but if you would like information about future MLE groups, SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER HERE.

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My Life Expedition Winter 2024 In person Info Mtg.

My Life Expedition Winter 2024 In person Info Mtg.

In My Life Expedition (MLE) you will walk through the story of your life holding tightly to God’s hand, asking Him to give you His perspective on your story. As you do, you may notice His fingerprints in places you never saw them before.

You must attend an information meeting before joining the group.

There will be 3 spots available in the group. The group will begin the first week of February. Group days and times will be decided based on availability of the majority of participants. If you decide you want to do MLE and cannot coordinate your schedule with the group, we can discuss private meeting sessions.

Participants will do reflective inner work, read, and do a devotional on their own for about an hour 5 days per week and attend weekly listening groups for 11 weeks. This is probably not like any other group you have ever experienced. Read more about MLE HERE.

What do you focus on in MLE? You focus on Jesus and the person you were created to be. Below are just a few things we will do.

1) Life Mapping - Reflect on how God uniquely made you. This may help you solidify your identity, chip away at the false-self, and clarify your calling.

2) Clear the path - removing the boulders and traps that may have kept you sidelined in the past.

3) Create a mission statement - to help you set a course for the next leg of your spiritual journey. Pray over possible vocations.

4) Develop a rule of life to help you live intentionally after your MLE experience is over.

Sign up here to attend the information meeting to learn more.

This group will be offered both online or in person this winter, depending on the desire of participants.

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Divina Nox Advent Retreat

Divina Nox Advent Retreat

Advent means “arrival.” It’s the season in which we look back at the first coming of Jesus while we simultaneously look forward to His second coming. Divina Nox (Divine Night) is an Advent retreat that provides time now, in the middle of these two “arrivals” of Christ, to focus on what the Incarnation means for us as disciples of Jesus.

This is a casual, mostly silent, guided retreat. This year’s Divina Nox is a bit different but may the be most memorable yet. We will be praying with a special piece of religious art by American iconographer Adele Calhoun.

There is now a waiting list for this retreat.* To join the waitlist RSVP by 12/2.

*This retreat is also being offered on Mon., Nov. 27 at 6:45 at the Care Cottage in the Village of Pinehurst if that date serves you better.

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Divina Nox Advent Retreat

Divina Nox Advent Retreat

Advent means “arrival.” It’s the season in which we look back at the first coming of Jesus while we simultaneously look forward to His second coming. Divina Nox (Divine Night) is an Advent retreat that provides time now, in the middle of these two “arrivals” of Christ, to focus on what the Incarnation means for us as disciples of Jesus.

This is a casual, mostly silent, guided retreat. This year’s Divina Nox is a bit different but may the be most memorable yet. We will be praying with a special piece of religious art by American iconographer Adele Calhoun.

This retreat will be held at the Care Cottage in the Village of Pinehurst.

Space is limited.* Please check your calendar and reserve your spot early. RSVP for this event by 11/24. Address to event will be provided when you RSVP.

*This retreat is also being offered on Sun., Dec. 3 at 6:45 in CCNC if that date serves you better.

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Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation
to Nov 20

Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation is the process of becoming more Christ-like. As Dallas Willard once said, discipleship is about becoming who Jesus would be if He were you.

We will begin “Beloved: A Journey of Prayer, a Taste of the Ignatian Exercises” starting Oct. 2. You are invited to join us for this 7-week prayer experience to focus on God’s love for you.

Six days a week, participants will be given invitations to encounter God’s personal love for them through scripture and/or prayer exercises. We will gather on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Care Cottage to share how our image and understanding of God and ourselves is being transformed by His love.

Care Cottage is in the Village of Pinehurst (55 Community Rd). Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

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The Spiritual Exercises Retreat in Daily Life
to Apr 30

The Spiritual Exercises Retreat in Daily Life

We actually have 2 groups going through the 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises this year. A Wed. evening group and a Thurs. afternoon group.

This is a 31-week retreat in daily life. Click HERE to learn more about the Spiritual Exercises.

Information meetings for those considering going through the Exercises in 2024-2025 will begin in June of 2024. Join the Newsletter mailing list to stay informed.

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My Life Expedition
to Nov 3

My Life Expedition

The Fall 2023 My Life Expedition (MLE) Group is underway. This fall we have a full group embarking on this expedition together to discover more about God and themselves.

To learn more about MLE, click HERE.

It’s not too early to get on the list to attend an information meeting for the next MLE group. As of now, I am planning the information meeting on Monday, January 22, 2024 with the group beginning the week of February 4, 2024. Join the Newsletter mailing list to stay informed.

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Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation
to Sep 18

Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation is the process of becoming more Christ-like, but accepting our personal limitations in our unique season of life. As Dallas Willard once said, discipleship is about becoming who Jesus would be if He were you.

Beginning Aug. 22, we will be reading and discussing David Benner’s book, The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self Discovery. Benner is a Christian Psychologist and author writing about God’s unique plan and call for each unique individual He has made.

When and where? Mondays from 7-8:45PM at the Care Cottage in the Village of Pinehurst (55 Community Rd). Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

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My Life Expedition Fall 2023 ONLINE Info Meeting

My Life Expedition Fall 2023 ONLINE Info Meeting

In My Life Expedition (MLE) you will walk through the story of your life holding tightly to God’s hand, asking Him to give you His perspective on your story. As you do, you may notice His fingerprints in places you never saw them before.

These groups will begin the 3d week of Aug. 2023. Participants will do deep inner work on their own and attend weekly group via zoom for 12 weeks. This is not like any other group you have ever been a part of. Sign up here to attend an info meeting to learn more.

What do you focus on in MLE? You focus on Jesus and the person you were created to be. Below are just a few things we will do.

1) Life Mapping - reflect on how God uniquely made you. This may help you solidify your identity, chip away at the false-self, and clarify your calling.

2) Clear the path - remove the boulders and traps that may have kept you sidelined in the past.

3) Create a mission statement - set a course for the next leg of your spiritual journey. Pray over possible vocations.

4) Develop a rule of life to help you live intentionally after your MLE experience is over.

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My Life Expedition Fall 2023 In person Info Mtg.

My Life Expedition Fall 2023 In person Info Mtg.

In My Life Expedition (MLE) you will walk through the story of your life holding tightly to God’s hand, asking Him to give you His perspective on your story. As you do, you may notice His fingerprints in places you never saw them before.

These groups will begin the 3d week of Aug. 2023. Participants will do deep inner work on their own and attend weekly listening groups for 12 weeks. This is not like any other group you have ever been a part of. Sign up here to attend an info meeting to learn more.

What do you focus on in MLE? You focus on Jesus and the person you were created to be. Below are just a few things we will do.

1) Life Mapping - Reflect on how God uniquely made you. This may help you solidify your identity, chip away at the false-self, and clarify your calling.

2) Clear the path - removing the boulders and traps that may have kept you sidelined in the past.

3) Create a mission statement - to help you set a course for the next leg of your spiritual journey. Pray over possible vocations.

4) Develop a rule of life to help you live intentionally after your MLE experience is over.

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Online Discussion group (for Jesus Expedition Members and their guests)
to Jun 6

Online Discussion group (for Jesus Expedition Members and their guests)

If you have decided to join this group, please RSVP by 5/4. Then purchase your copy of “The Other Half of the Church: Christian community, brain, science, and overcoming spiritual stagnation” by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendrix. Be prepared to discuss the first chapter on 5/16.

This will be a safe place for those who have been trying to make disciples to discuss their personal ministry context and how the findings in the book might affect how they approach spiritual formation.

The group will meet for 1 hr. via Zoom on Tuesdays beginning May 16 (through June 6), the time will be determined by those who sign up (sometime between 9:30AM and 6PM EST).

This group is only open to those who have attended Jesus Expedition groups, retreats, spiritual directees or their guests (as well as those on the newsletter mailing list). To register and give input on what time of day works best for you, please email me at Melissa@JesusExpedition.com.

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Good Friday Meditation

Good Friday Meditation

We will be using the materials provided by The Transforming Center and streaming their virtual service. This is a silent mini-retreat except for the narrator leading the meditations based on the stations of the cross. Participants will sit quietly (not moving from station to station) praying as they imagine the events that might have taken place that day as Jesus took the penalty for our sins on the cross.

You may want to bring a Bible and journal if you use one. There is no fee for this event but you must sign up. There is space for 8 participants.

Doors open at 12:45, please plan to arrive by 12:55 so we can all be seated with our materials when the service begins streaming at 1:00. There is no childcare for this event.

Email Melissa@JesusExpedition.com to get more information or to sign up. Please include the total number in your party attending.

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You are Here! Spiritual GPS

You are Here! Spiritual GPS

It can be helpful to slow down once a quarter and simply notice where you have been, where you are now and consider where the road might take you. Particularly if you enjoyed the New Year’s Retreat, you might like this brief spiritual GPS.

We will devote a morning to spending time with God noticing what has occupied our time, energy and attention so far this year. This is a quiet, contemplative mini-retreat.

There is no fee for this event but you must sign up by emailing me at Melissa@JesusExpedition.com

photo credit Alvaro Reyes

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Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation
to Apr 24

Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation

Next week our Monday evening spiritual formation group will begin discussing the second half of Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown. Each week we open with a brief prayer exercise, then discuss what we learned from the reading that week. Most weeks we try the practices that the characters in the book do with their spiritual director, Katherine Rhodes, during the Sacred Journey retreat described in the book. Worried about joining when we have already started the book? Don’t worry, we will be doing some special prayer practices in the first two meetings so you will have time to catch up.

This group meets Monday evenings from 7-8:45 at the Care Cottage in the Village of Pinehurst. Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

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Advent Retreat: Divina Nox

Advent Retreat: Divina Nox

Advent means “arrival.” It’s the season in which we look back at the first coming of Christ while we simultaneously look ahead to the second coming of Christ. Divina Nox (Divine Night) is an Advent retreat that provides time now, in the middle of these two “arrivals” of Christ, to focus on Jesus as Emmanuel - God with us.

This is a casual, quiet retreat with guided meditations provided.

You must RSVP for this event by 11/25. Space is limited.

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Bluffton, SC Retreat

Bluffton, SC Retreat

I will be in Bluffton, SC talking about ancient prayer practices that are perfect for the times we are in.

How are Christians to resist the temptation to cure boredom with endless experiences or treat emptiness with never ending consumption? Can we really look like Christ in a culture that is so different from the one in which Jesus walked? Even if we spend an hour a day in Bible study and prayer, it doesn’t come close to the hours spent taking in endless images, soundbites, and information that inundate us on the devices we can’t realistically turn off.

We will spend the morning reflecting with God on our lives and loves. In the afternoon we will learn a few spiritual disciplines that will help us hit the reset button on our nervous systems.

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