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Monday Night Women’s Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation is the process of becoming more Christ-like. As Dallas Willard once said, discipleship is about becoming who Jesus would be if He were you.

We will begin “Beloved: A Journey of Prayer, a Taste of the Ignatian Exercises” starting Oct. 2. You are invited to join us for this 7-week prayer experience to focus on God’s love for you.

Six days a week, participants will be given invitations to encounter God’s personal love for them through scripture and/or prayer exercises. We will gather on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Care Cottage to share how our image and understanding of God and ourselves is being transformed by His love.

Care Cottage is in the Village of Pinehurst (55 Community Rd). Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

September 21

The Spiritual Exercises Retreat in Daily Life

November 27

Divina Nox Advent Retreat