My Life Expedition

In My Life Expedition, you will walk through your life story, holding tightly to God’s hand and asking Him to give you His perspective. As you do, you may see His fingerprints in places you haven’t noticed them before.

Please note that in Fall 2024, I am only offering MLE as a one-on-one experience.

A Biblical perspective: MLE material is crafted with the belief that Jesus is our King and our lives are an Expedition to bring glory to our King and His Kingdom. God created you and knows the exact person He wanted to create. He chose the time and place He wanted to put you in hopes that you might find Him (Acts 17:27-28). You are a unique piece of God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for you to do (Eph. 2:10). If you are willing to take the treks with Jesus and open your heart to hear His gentle voice, you will most likely get an idea of who He made you to be and where He might call you to go with Him as He advances His Kingdom.

Time and Commitment: MLE work is not done alone. You and the Holy Spirit journey together at home, on average, about 45 minutes daily, four or five days a week. If you are going through MLE in a group, you will meet with your group once a week for 11 weeks. If you are going through MLE in as one-on-one experience, we will meet over Zoom for 1 hour a week for 9 weeks.

Cost and what’s included: Your tools consist of specially crafted MLE workbook pages that will be given to you week by week. You will also read daily devotions using Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day by Peter Scazzero. You will read David Benner’s The Gift of Being Yourself, and be given a copy of Steve Macchia’s Crafting a Rule of Life. The fee includes all materials and books (worth $50). The fee for Fall 2024 will be $275. There is a discount for military and ministry professionals and their spouses.

My hope for you is that you can begin to discover the wonderful person God created you to be and begin to live the life Christ came to give you – life to the fullest (Jn. 10:10).