My Life Expedition Groups begin soon

I can’t believe it’s almost time to start My Life Expedition (MLE) groups again this winter. It has been an honor and a privilege to have a front row seat as people discover who God created them to be. If you aren’t familiar with MLE, it’s unlike any other small group you might have seen. Part of this has to do with the unique work participants do over the 11 weeks: life-mapping, seeking God for purpose, discovering and discarding core lies, writing a personal mission statement, crafting a rule of life. Basically, it’s walking through the story of your life holding tightly to God’s hand, asking Him to give you His perspective on your story.

The other unique thing about MLE groups is that they are listening groups, not discussion groups. When I began using this method, I thought it would simply provide a safe space for the person sharing as no one would be allowed to give them advice or try to “fix” them. What I could never have anticipated was how much group participants would grow as a result. Listeners learn to listen in love and be the face of grace for the person sharing. Meanwhile, speakers quickly learn that they usually share expecting feedback; they are often shocked to discover they have never actually owned their story because they are so accustomed to seeking either approval or expecting rejection.

You must attend an information meeting before joining the online or in-person group. Click HERE to get more information and sign up for one of the two information groups, then scroll to the in-person or zoom info meeting.

There will only be 3 spots available in each group. The online group will begin the last week of January. The in-person group will begin the first week of February. Group days and times will be decided based on availability of the majority of participants. If you decide you want to do MLE and cannot coordinate your schedule with the group, we can discuss private meeting sessions.

Participants will do reflective inner work, read, and do a devotional on their own for about an hour 5 days per week and attend weekly listening groups for 11 weeks. There is a fee for MLE groups. Participants receive 3 books, their workbook and a free spiritual direction appointment included in the fee (discounts are given to military and ministry families if requested). Read more HERE.

This group may be offered both online and in person this winter if there is enough interest to fill 2 groups.

Melissa Malami-Jones

Melissa is, above all else, a lover of Jesus, her Lord and King. She has spent almost 20 years in ministry but is now focused on walking with people who desire a closer connection with God. She knows it is God’s desire for every person to experience His great love for them.


God’s faithfulness