Bold Confidence and Newfound Clarity 

Thank you, Rebecca, for writing this post! Rebecca was in the 2023 Winter MLE group. I am humbled and blessed to read her beautiful description of what God did for her in MLE.

There are a lot of things in life that really can't be explained, but only experienced.

Like taking in a picture of a beautiful mountain view versus being there yourself - they don't compare.

My Life Expedition (MLE) is the same. It is something you can truly only experience to understand. With that being said, my best attempt to capture this experience into a "picture" someone could see, would be to say that it was quite simply, completely and totally life changing.

The weeks and months I spent on my MLE trek with my fellow sojourners were some of the most tender, profound, sweet, precious and life altering weeks of my life.

It wasn't that I necessarily found out more about God, though that did happen, but it was more that I saw MYSELF so clearly, and through that mirror God appeared more clearly as well. I saw Him IN ME in a way I had never seen before and the result of that was so many things, including a bold confidence in who I was created to be, and a newfound clarity for the work of my life, my work with God.

In addition to all of the things that happened to me, watching my new friends in the group experience some of the same things was priceless. We could not have made it up the mountain without one another.

I cannot recommend MLE enough. If you want to know more about how God sees you, about your specific work and identity in Christ I highly recommend the investment of your time into this expedition. You will be blessed. You will find new friends and family and I believe you will see ways God has been working in your story all along that have been long overlooked. Such a blessing and complete paradigm shift in my life. I don't know one person who wouldn't benefit greatly from going through My Life Expedition! 

social image credit @markusspiske

Rebecca Collins

Guest blogger. If you know her, you know how incredible she is… gifted writer, artist, wife, mother, and loyal friend. She is one of those people you could spend days with and never grow tired of her spirit-infused presence.


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